The subject of the Minotaur

The minotaur and his companions

All the versions of this article:

The combination of raw stone and metal emphasises the human expression of these works.

The history of this collection:

Blacksmith, from father to son, in 1994 I wanted to pay homage to my trade.

The minotaur represents the art of working with iron.

The following year, I realised it was inconceivable to leave this work on its own. The idea then came to me to surround the minotaur – or the blacksmith – with some companions representing different trades for whom he had worked. It was then, whilst walking outdoors, that I decided to mix stone with metal to give life to these companions. I then started to hunt for unique stones for each piece, which I used exactly as found without shaping them at all.

The first of these pieces was The Stonemason. Using the same principal, The Farmer and The Winemaker appeared, then came The Painter and The Hairdresser. The first series of companions was then completed in 1999 with The Woodcutter.

Three further sculptures then saw the light of day, The Baker, The Violinist and The Horserider. This collection was completed in 2005 with the addition of The Chimneysweep.

These collections were not for sale; instead I let them live together and they accompany me to events and shows.

If this idea appeals to you, please talk to me about your project !

© 2006 · Bruno Goury
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